Poster Presentations
Poster Session Information
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Atlantic Foyer
We are excited you have chosen to submit a poster for the 2024 Virginia Sea Grant Symposium. If you have any questions about the poster session, please reach out to Hilary Parmentier at
The Virginia Sea Grant 2024 Symposium is a great opportunity for first-time speakers as it offers flexible session types and a supportive team who will work with you both before and during the conference to ensure you are ready to shine.
The Poster Session will happen during a 45-minute time block and allow participants the opportunity to stop by your station for a short (5-7 minute) presentation.
The format and amount of information shown in the posters should be tailored to its size, so please do not use a shrunken version of an old poster.
- Poster Dimensions: Must be no larger than 36-inches X 48-inches (91.44-cm X 121.92-cm.)
- Mounting for Display: We will be using easels to display your posters, so please mount your posters to foam board or a backing material that will support it. A limited number of boards will be available on-site for use during the session, but we cannot guarantee there will be enough for every presenter.
- Graphics: Posters will be judged on effectiveness of infographics, images, and overall design.
- Supportive Materials: You are also welcome to distribute brochures, fact sheets, or other handouts to attendees.

Symposium 2024 Sponsors